人生十字路口,望过来人指点迷津直译I am standing at the crossroad of my life, hope sincerely percursor can give me some advice standing at不是站在的意思,而是迟疑,踌躇(🕴)的意思意译I am confused,hope sincerely percursor can give me some advice纯属手翻,请楼主验收
I have nothing but you 你会后悔,什么都没有对我说 1人生在世,俯仰之间,自当追求卓越,但有尽其所能 2那些(🙅)能找回的东西,从没丢失过那些丢失了的东西,或许从未真正拥有 3真正的成熟是在合适的时机做该做的事,顺其自然,既不瞻前顾后,也不左顾右盼,不急躁,不(📌)慌张 4人最多情,也最无情
I again came to a crossroads in life, unlike in the past, I don#39t have the original tender age, nor that for unknown fearless courage, for is for the one thing again and again repeat review timid mental state, I deeply understand, and when standing at the crossroads, between