however, he beats TaeSoo TaeSoo tries unsuccessfully to commit suicide so that his two friends can be togetherMeanwhile, in the present, JiHae falls for her friend#39s love interest, but he seems not to notice Then, in a sweet scene, they take shelter from the rain to
Martial Arts Tae Kwon Do 3rd degree, Hapkido 1st degree, Taekkyeon 1st degree Languages Korean, Japanese, English Chinese Hobbies soccer, computer, dancing, acting, watching movies Likes Japan, * Japanophile Music Videos Clazziquai Sweety Kang Sung Hoon Precious Story Lee Soo Young
宋茜Victoria Song,1987年2月2日出生于山东青岛,毕业于北京舞(😱)蹈(🔤)学院,现(⬛)为SM Entertainment 旗(🔑)下艺人因在2007年9月举行的北京市舞蹈大赛上被SM公司看中而签约成为练习生出道前就曾与李准基合作拍摄SPRIS广告,与RAIN拍(🏽)摄三星广告2009年9月以fx组合正式出道,在队内担任队长中文名