赐予(🎎)我渴望已久的(🚪)死亡 ”DARK PASSION PLAY” 黑色受难记 2nd robber to the right of Christ 基督右边的(🎻)第二个强盗 Cut in half infanticide 劈成两半的杀婴者 The world will rejoice today 世界将在今天重现欢颜(😌) As the crows feast on the rotting poet 乌鸦将享用诗人(💅)腐烂的
5E A Bandit#39s Book,强盗的书5F Dwarven Rubble Karth River Confluence,卡尔斯河汇流点深精灵废墟5G Forsworn Camp Bthardamz Outskirts,布塔(🏏)丹兹之郊弃誓者营地5H The Bloodied Bandit,染血的强盗5I Dragon Mound Ragnvald Vale,律治谷龙墓5J Dwarven Ruins Lair of the
The Poet And The Pendulum 诗人与钟摆 ”WHITE LANDS OF EMPATHICA”EMPATHICA的白色(➰)大地 The end最终 The songwriter`s dead歌(🔮)曲作家已死 The blade fell upon him 刀(🚑)刃砍在他身上 Taking him to the white lands 带他走向白色的大地 Of Empathica 在EMPATHICA之上 Of Innocence 在清白之中 Empa